Can Cats Get Colds? 7 Symptoms and Treatments for Your Pet

Can Cats Get Colds?

Can cats get colds? When your cat is sneezing and sniffling or coughing, these are the symptoms that make your cat feel cold. You should know how it’s happening. And make sure to find the perfect solution for your cat to get rid of this type of issue. The colds in cats are contagious, just like in humans. Compared to the indoor cats, the outdoor cats are more victimized by the cold. But indoors, cats remain safe due to their extra care. Cat colds are an upper respiratory infection (URI) due to viruses or bacteria. This cold can transfer from cat to cat but not to humans, especially in solid conditions. If you have boarded your kitty recently and they have a cold, other cats may get affected. Remember that cats are stressed when they are sick. So it’s important to choose the right boarding that deals with your cat and reduces their stress level; it helps to reduce the development of a URI for your cat.

What are the Signs & Symptoms

  • sneezing 
  • Sniffles
  • watery eyes 
  • runny nose
  • mild fever
  • reduced appetite 
  • Coughing

can cats get a cold

Caring for Your Sick Cats

If your cat has a cold, then you can make your cat more comfortable by wiping the runny nose with a clean cloth and running your eyes with a cloth dipped in the saline solution. You can also switch on a humidifier so the air isn’t too dry.

If your cat is congested, making breathing difficult, place her in the pet carrier, put a bowl of hot water in front of the cage, and cover both with a blanket for approximately 15 minutes.

Your cat should still eat and drink, as it is part of their recovery process. To make this process more attractive for them, food that is heated up and can be swallowed easily might help. They also need to be kept warm. Hence, placing an additional blanket in their bed or preferred nook for them to curl up is advisable.

Never give human cold medicine to your cat (or any medication the vet has not prescribed). Always consult your vet and ask what care they suggest for your animal.

 How to Deal with a Cold Cat

If your cat has a cold, you may try to clean up its runny nose with a cloth and vice versa for the eyes; use a cloth and saline solution. Alternatively, you can also have a humidifier on to help reduce air drying.

If your cat seems congested, making breathing a little hard, put it in the carrier, place a hot water bowl in front of the cage, and cover both with a blanket for about 15 minutes.

For your cat to recover from the disease, ensure they continue eating and drinking. Food that can be warmed and swallowed easier for these individuals could make this process more attractive. They also require warmth and leave an extra blanket in their bed or cozy spot.

Never give your cat cold medicine meant for human beings (or any medication without your veterinarian’s prescription). Please discuss with your vet to understand what they suggest for your pet.

my cat is sneezing a lot

At what point should you take your dog to a vet?

For the most part, cat colds are not life-threatening, and they should disappear by the end of 1-2 weeks. Keep an eye on their health, though, and if there is no improvement by the fourth day, consult your vet because you may be dealing with a cold that does not get treated right away and may develop into pneumonia.

Just like humans, one should be cautious concerning older cats, kittens, and cats with other comorbidities that may increase their susceptibility to cold effects. However, this is especially true of young kittens who are still nursing or have not been immunized for rabies. Get an appointment if your cat falls into any of the above categories.

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