Can a Cat Eat a Chicken Bone? 5 Risks

Can a Cat Eat a Chicken Bone?

It’s generally not safe for cat eat a chicken bone. Cooked chicken bones can easily splinter and cause choking or serious damage to your cat’s mouth, throat, or intestines. Even raw chicken bones, though less likely to splinter, can still pose a risk and are not recommended. It’s safer to stick with cat food and treats that are specifically designed for their dietary needs.

Why Shouldn’t Cat Eat a Chicken Bone?

Cats are natural hunters and like to eat birds and small animals, even their bones and raw meat. But wild cats usually eat smaller prey than chickens, so they’re less likely to have bone problems. However, they can still get sick from parasites, worms, or stomach issues, which can be very serious.

do cats eat chicken bones

The Dangers of Cats Eating Chicken Bones:

  1. Blockages or Tears in the Gut: When cat eat a chicken bone, it can cause problems in their stomach or intestines. These bones might get stuck or tear the insides of the cat’s belly. This can make the cat very sick and might need an operation to fix.
  1. Cooked Bones Are Riskier: If you cook chicken bones and a cat eats them, they can break into small, sharp pieces. These sharp pieces can hurt the cat’s insides when they swallow them. It’s more dangerous for cats to eat cooked bones than raw ones.
  1. Choking Hazard: There’s a chance that when cats eat chicken bones, the bones might get stuck in their throat. This can make it hard for them to breathe and can be very dangerous. Especially if the bones are too big or sharp.
  1. Bacteria and Illness: Chicken bones, especially raw ones, can have harmful germs like salmonella. If cats or people eat these bones, they can get sick. This is why it’s important to handle chicken and its bones carefully.
  1. Spread of Infection: If a cat gets sick from eating chicken bones, they can spread the germs through their saliva (spit) and poop. This can make people sick, especially kids and older folks who might have weaker immune systems. It’s important to keep an eye on cats and wash your hands after handling them, especially if they’re sick.

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can a cat eat a chicken bone

What Happens if Your Cat Eat a Chicken Bone?

If your cat eat a chicken bone or munches on a chicken bone, he might be okay, but he could also get an upset stomach or diarrhea. If the bone doesn’t digest, it could get stuck in his gut, causing severe problems. Always tell your vet if your cat eats a bone, especially if he shows any illness.

Make sure to call your vet right away if your cat eat a chicken bone and is showing any of these signs:

  1. Vomiting repeatedly or unable to keep food down.
  2. Lethargy or weakness, appearing tired and lacking energy.
  3. Loss of appetite or refusing to eat.
  4. Signs of abdominal pain include restlessness, pacing, or vocalizing.
  5. Difficulty breathing or choking.
  6. Straining to defecate or inability to pass stool.
  7. Blood in the stool or vomit.
  8. Swelling or tenderness in the abdomen.
  9. Excessive drooling or pawing at the mouth.
  10. Any other unusual behavior or symptoms that concern you.

can cats eat bones

If your cat sneaks a chicken bone, here’s what to do:

  1. Try to remove the bone from their mouth to prevent choking gently.
  2. Call your vet right away to let them know what happened.
  3. Watch your cat carefully over the next few days to make sure the bone doesn’t give them any tummy troubles.
  • Cats are curious and might eat chicken bones.
  • Bones can be risky for cats, whether they are raw or cooked.
  • If your cat eat a chicken bone, here’s what you should do next. 

can cats eat cooked chicken

How do you help a cat that eat a chicken bone?

If your cat eat a chicken bone or swallows a chicken bone, the vet might use tests like x-rays to check if the bone could cause any issues. Your cat might need to stay at the vet’s if he’s sick, but you can watch him at home if he’s okay. Follow your advice and look for any signs of illness. If the bone causes a blockage or tear, your cat might need surgery and could take a long time to recover.

Raw vs. Cooked Bones

Cat eat a chicken bone or cat can chew on raw chicken bones, but cooked ones are not safe for them to eat. Cooked bones become soft and brittle, which can be dangerous for cats. They can break into sharp pieces that might hurt your throat or mouth.

Toxic Ingredients:

Some seasonings we use for cooking chicken, like garlic and onion powder, can be toxic for cats. It’s not safe to share seasoned chicken with your cat.

What to Watch for When Giving Your Cat Raw Bones?

When giving your cat raw bones:

  1. Choose the bones of the right size and make sure they’re fresh.
  2. Watch for signs of digestion problems like bloating or gas after your cat eats bones.
  3. If you see whole bones in their stool or any stomach issues, stop giving them bones and talk to your vet.


In short, cat eat a chicken bone, it’s best to keep chicken bones away from cats as they can cause serious harm like blockages or tears in their stomach. Cooked bones are especially dangerous because they can break into sharp pieces. If your cat accidentally eats a bone, keep a close eye for signs of sickness and contact the vet if needed.


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