Why Dog not eating or drinking? 9 Tips

Why is My Dog Not Eating or Drinking?

If your dog not eating or drinking, it’s a sign something’s wrong. Sometimes, they may feel stressed or anxious, or their surroundings might have changed. Other times, it could be due to a health issue like dental pain or an illness. It’s normal for dogs to skip a meal occasionally, but if they refuse food or water for over 24 hours, it’s time to visit the vet. This article will explain why your dog might not be eating or drinking, how you can help them, and when to see a vet.

dog wont eat

Reasons of stop eating in dogs? 3 Main Causes

  1. Health Issues:

Sometimes, dog not eating because they’re feeling sick. They could have an upset stomach from eating something bad, dental problems that make chewing painful, or they might be feeling pain somewhere else in their body. Dogs can also have parasites or infections that make them feel unwell. If they swallow something they shouldn’t, like a toy, it could block their intestines. Sometimes, the medicine they’re taking can also make them lose their appetite. Serious conditions like kidney disease or diabetes might also be the reason.

  1. Feeling Stressed or Anxious:

Just like people, dogs can feel stressed or anxious, which can cause them to lose their appetite. This could be because of changes around the home, like new people or pets, traveling, or loud noises such as fireworks or construction. Older dogs can get especially anxious with changes and might not eat as much.

  1. Changes in Their Environment:

If you’ve recently changed your dog’s food, they might not like the new taste, or it could upset their stomach. Dogs also don’t like eating next to other pets sometimes, which might make them skip meals. If the environment where they eat is changed, like moving their bowls to a different place, it could confuse them and stop them from eating.

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dog drinking water

9 Simple Tips to Help Your Dog Eat Better

1. Picky Eating Habits: Some dogs are just picky eaters. If they get table scraps or different food than usual, they might hold out and not eat their regular food, hoping for something better. Make sure to keep their food the same and try mixing the new food with the old one slowly over a week.

2. Monitor Water Intake:  Ensure your dog is drinking enough water. Dehydration can become serious quickly. Contact your vet if your dog hasn’t drunk water for more than 24 hours.

3. Observe Behavioral Changes:  Watch for changes in behavior, like extra sleep, hiding, or less energy. These signs can hint at health problems.

4. Check Food Quality:  Look for signs of mold, staleness, or expired food. To keep dog food fresh, store it in a cool, dry place.

5. Separate Feeding Spaces:  If you have more than one pet, feed them in separate areas. This will prevent anxiety and competition over food.

6. Gradual Food Changes:  Change your dog’s food slowly over a week or more. Mix new food with old food and gradually increase the amount of new food.

7. Maintain Routine:  Feed your dog at the same times each day. They thrive on Routine.

8. Exercise and Playtime:  Take your dog for regular walks or play sessions. This can stimulate their appetite and reduce stress.

9. Consult a Vet for Persistent Issues:  See a vet if your dog keeps refusing food or shows signs like weight loss, low energy, or vomiting. A professional can help identify the Problem.

dog stopped eating

What to Do If Your Dog Isn’t Eating?

If your dog skips a meal but otherwise seems healthy, it might not be a big deal. However, if your dog hasn’t eaten in over a day, it’s best to consult your vet. Try making their food more appealing by warming it up or adding some chicken broth (make sure it doesn’t have onions or garlic, as these are harmful to dogs). Make sure they always have clean water available, and keep their eating area quiet and free from stress. If you notice other symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea, or if they seem very tired, contact your vet right away.

Is your dog drinking but not eating?

If your dog is drinking water but not eating food, it could be due to nausea, stress, or pain in its mouth. If it can drink water without vomiting, that’s a good sign. But if it vomits after drinking water or doesn’t eat for more than 24 hours, it’s best to see a vet quickly. This will help find out why your dog has lost its appetite.

How Long Can a Dog Go Without Food?

-Adult Dogs: They can usually go three to Five days can be spend without food. But if they don’t eat for two days, you should call the vet.

– Diabetic Dogs: If your dog has diabetes and skips a meal, you need to call the vet right away because it could affect their health severely.

– Puppies: Puppies need to eat more often. If a puppy skips a meal and doesn’t want to eat a few hours later, you should call the vet immediately, especially if they seem sick or act differently.

What About a Dog Who’s Not Drinking Water?

– Less Water with Wet Food: If you start giving your dog wet food, they might drink less water because the food has more moisture. This is normal.

– Drinking More Water: If your dog drinks more water than usual but eats less or stops eating, it might be a sign of a health problem. Call the vet.

dog throwing up after drinking water

What Is the Treatment for a When Your Dog Not Eating or Drinking?

Finding the Problem: The vet will check your dog, ask about any changes at home, and might need to perform tests like blood work or X-rays to determine what’s wrong.

– Treatment: The treatment depends on the Problem. It could include medicine for pain or nausea, special diets, or even more serious therapies if needed.

Supportive Care: This includes things like ensuring they’re hydrated, giving them tasty foods to encourage eating, and providing lots of comfort.

 What Do You Do When Your Dog not Eating?

– Contact Your Vet: If your dog has not eaten for more than a day or if you notice other signs of sickness, it’s important to call your vet.

– Urgent Situations: If your dog is a puppy, very old, or has health problems, don’t wait—call the vet right away.

– Signs of Emergency: If your dog seems really sick, like vomiting or acting very tired, or if you think they ate something dangerous, you need to get them to the vet quickly.


In summary, if your dog not eating or drinking, pay close attention. If a dog not eating, skipping the occasional meal can be okay. However, when your dog not eating persistently, it could indicate stress, changes, or health issues. When a dog not eating consistently, it’s important to address these concerns promptly. Make sure your dog has fresh water and a quiet spot to eat. If your dog not eating for over a day or shows signs of illness, contact the vet. Quick action can help your dog not eating get back to feeling happy and healthy. Monitoring your dog not eating will ensure their well-being is maintained.

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